Category Archives: Amelia Explains It All

Amelia Explains it All: Church Diversity

Mia is talking BIG WORDS today and one word, in particular, she recently learned as I’ve been blogging Scott Williams’ book Church Diversity. She’s also overly fond of a creepy doll she was given. Don’t ask, just watch.

As many of you pointed out, I’m losing my touch on my One Word for 2011, which is green. To be a good sport, I wore a green shirt for this video. Ha!

Your practical solutions to the problem of church diversity probably won’t compare to Mia’s, but… what are they?


Amelia Explains it All – Easter

It’s that time of year again… the time when Mia gives us the lowdown on the high excitement of Easter. She’s got some interesting ideas about why Jesus, and bunnies?!?!?!

I know that I want to stay on the Jesus side of Easter, always on the Jesus side. Egg hunts, chocolate bunnies and the rest are fun. Dressing in a crisp new dress with a fresh-scrubbed face is all well and good, but I’ve got my eye on the sacrifice, the quietude and the resurrection of our Savior.

How do you stay on the Jesus side of Easter?

Amelia Explains It All – Teeth

I’m a firm believer that we should all cut our teeth on the Gospel as baby Christians – graduate from milk to solid food, then really sink our teeth into the more difficult passages of Scripture. And now for something ALMOST completely different…. Amelia Explains it All about Teeth.

I love that, at the end, she tells us how to keep our teeth healthy by eating good foods. I’m assuming that includes a whole host of greens Mia hasn’t touched since she stopped eating baby food, like peas and spinach. But, Mia is a firm believer in “do as I say and not as I do” which is very different from me, you know.

Speaking of different, her sister, Wendy, wanted to get in on this video action, too, so, she chooses to talk about, what else? birds. again. wow.

What did YOU think the tooth fairy wanted all those teeth for? Do you ever give advice you don’t follow? What kind of sheets should birds have?

Amelia Explains It All

This girl (thinks she) knows it all. And, she’s graciously condescended to teach the rest of us poor schlubs.

better informed than the avg voter

I thought I would ask Mia what the whole point of marriage is. A few weeks ago, she came up with a lively explanation of how babies are formed (someone you love kisses you) and how they come to Earth (it involves catching babies and putting them in jails). Since then, she’s changed her tune, but it’s still a pretty profound theory.

We obviously haven’t had a lot of conversations about the real genesis of babies, but Mia’s got her own opinions on how it all works and is willing to explain it all.

I still remember that I thought you went to the hospital to pick out a baby, like one might choose  a sweater.

Where did YOU think babies came from as a kid?

International Children’s Day

To celebrate International Children’s Day, I am including this video from Mia about Christmas and forgiveness and I’m throwing in a bonus Wendy interview about goodness knows what! If viewing the Wendy video, you might want to turn the volume down slightly when she starts singing. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.